HD, Color, Sound, 2’42”. 2020
Starting from the inquiry of what animation is, the artist finds himself located in between different sequences of time. A physical space in a film is always frozen within a small fragment of time—a frame. The artist dynamically explores each space as the frames become combined, transformed, rearranged, and repeated.
애니메이션이란 무엇인가라는 고민에서 시작하여 작가는 다양한 시간의 배열 사이에 위치하게 된다. 프레임이라는 작은 시간 안에 멈춰있는 공간들이 합체, 변형, 전위, 반복되면서 생기는 다양한 관계들을 탐구한다.
Selected Screenings
2020 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Annecy, France
2020 Fest Anča International Animation Festival, Žilina, Slovakia
2020 BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao, Spain
2020 Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival (nemaf), Seoul, Korea
2020 32 Girona Film Festival GFF, Girona, Spain
2020 Edinburgh International Film Festival, Edinburgh, UK
2020 TOPU International Animation Week, Haimen, China
2021 International Student Moving Image Showcase, Saatchi Gallery, UK
2021 Projektion/Projection, Darmstadt, Germany
Group Exibition
2020. 12. 8 - 12.17 SPACE KYEOL, Relay Exhibition, Seoul, Korea / 스페이스결 개관기획 릴레이전
2021 5.27 - 6.26 대안영상미술 마을가게 미술관 시즌2, 서울, 대한민국